I played around with IntelliJs Remote Development functionality recently.
It works mostly, but there are a few bugs or inconsistencies between a local installation and the Remote Access that killed my productivity.
So I switched back to the good old X11 Forwarding🙂
The Setup was quite simple:
Enable X11 Forwarding on the Remote Host
X11Forwarding yes
Enable X11 Forwarding on the Guest Host
Host my-remote-host
HostName my-remote-host
ForwardX11 yes
ForwardX11Trusted yes
Launch IntelliJ
Now, I can simply launch my remote IDE as follows
ssh user@my-remote-host "intellij-idea-ultimate-edition ~/workspace/ &>/dev/null"
So far It seems much better than the built-in solution from IntelliJ - but let’s see how It plays out over a few weeks.
This obviously only works for the (deprecated) X11 Window Server - For Wayland, Waypipe seems like a good option (haven't tried it out yet).