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UTF-8 Normalization

In Unicode, the same character can be represented using different sequences of code points.

For example, the code point U+006E (the Latin lowercase "n") followed by U+0303 (the combining tilde "◌̃") is defined by Unicode to be canonically equivalent to the single code point U+00F1 (the lowercase letter "ñ" of the Spanish alphabet). - Wikipedia Unicode equivalence

This is a problem when you have one representation in your DB and query the same string using a different one. I never had this issue before, but ran into it recently when reading file names from a macOS file system. This seems to be a legacy issue.

So what can we do? We can use normalization forms to ensure the character is always represented in the same way. There are multiple normal forms, but NFC is the one you probably want.

The best place to do this normalization is where you perform other validation, eg. in your Web API Controllers.

import java.text.Normalizer
// ...

fun postFile(fileName: String){
  val normalized = Normalizer.normalize(fileName, Normalizer.Form.NFC)
  // ...

If you have the mess already and different forms are mixed in your database, you can normalize it (in Postgres) using the normalize function:

update files
set filename = normalize(filename);

See also: